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Le feu brûle dans nos cœurs trop petits
Fire is burning in our undersized hearts
Qui s'allument peu à peu dans la nuit
Which light up little by little in the night
Et nos yeux d'une seule voix qui supplie
And our eyes as one begging voice
Voient les flammes qui ravagent Notre-Dame
See the flames that ravage Notre-Dame
On en a tous, une cathédrale, à rebâtir, à reconstruire
We all have a cathedral to rebuild, to reconstruct
On a tous en nous le bien, le mal
We all have the good and the evil inside us
Qui prend feu parfois pour nous dire
That sometimes catches fire to tell us
Qu'on en a tous, une cathédrale, à rebâtir, à reconstruire
That we all have a cathedral to rebuild, to reconstruct
On a tous en nous le bien, le mal
We all have the good and the evil inside us
Qui prend feu parfois pour nous dire
That sometimes catches fire to tell us
Tous ces hommes, toutes ces femmes
All these men, all these women
Ces destins qui ont foulé tes dalles
These fates that trod your paving stones
Tant de siècles, tant d'espoir et de drames
So many centuries, so much hope and drama
Rendent hommage à Notre-Dame
Pay homage to Notre-Dame
Ces légendes, ces poèmes et ces fables
These legends, these poems and these fables
Tous ces rêves qu'elle enfante à tout âge
All those dreams she gives birth to at any age
Ces héros, qui modèlent ton image
These heroes who shape your image
T'ont rendue immortelle, Notre-Dame
Made you immortal, Notre-Dame
On en a tous, une cathédrale, à rebâtir, à reconstruire
We all have a cathedral to rebuild, to reconstruct
On a tous en nous le bien, le mal
We all have the good and the evil inside us
Qui prend feu parfois pour nous dire
That sometimes catches fire to tell us
Qu'on en a tous, une cathédrale, à rebâtir, à reconstruire
That we all have a cathedral to rebuild, to reconstruct
On a tous en nous le bien, le mal
We all have the good and the evil inside us
Qui prend feu parfois pour nous dire
That sometimes catches fire to tell us
Notre-Dame, tes murs et ton histoire
Notre-Dame, your walls and your history
Notre-Dame, sont plus forts que les flammes
Notre-Dame, are stronger than the flames
En quelques secondes, tu fais pleurer le monde
In seconds you make the world cry
On en a tous, une cathédrale, à rebâtir, à reconstruire
We all have a cathedral to rebuild, to reconstruct
On a tous en nous le bien, le mal
We all have the good and the evil inside us
Qui prend feu parfois pour nous dire
That sometimes catches fire to tell us
Qu'on en a tous, une cathédrale, à rebâtir, à reconstruire
That we all have a cathedral to rebuild, to reconstruct
On a tous en nous le bien, le mal
We all have the good and the evil inside us
Qui prend feu parfois, et nous fait grandir
That sometimes catches fire and makes us grow
1. Quiz
Watch the video and quiz your students' to test their overall understanding. Watch the video and take the quiz to test your overall understanding.
{{ liveQuizAnswers.points }}/{{ liveQuizAnswers.max_points }}
2. Vocabulary
Let your students use the Smart Player to improve their understanding and learn new words. Use interactive subtitles to improve your understanding and learn new words.
{{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount }}
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Question {{ activeQuestion == questions.length ? activeQuestion : activeQuestion + 1 }}/{{ questions.length }}
{{ item.question }}
See {{ tracks[item.track - 1]['display_time'] }} - {{ tracks[item.track - 1]['original'] }}
End of the quiz!
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Teacher Mode. Answers won't be saved.
{{ points }} / {{ maxPoints }}
correct answers
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You're a champion!
{{ countdown + 1 > 5 ? 5 : countdown + 1 }}
Your quiz will start here
at the end of the video
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
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Next: Improve Vocab  
{{ word.user_root }}
+ {{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount - 15 }}
Not saved!
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion
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Assignment Assignments
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion

Les Frangines - Notre-Dame


Source: LesFranginesVEVO, Youtube, 15 Apr 2021

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The video's full text in French.



The video's translation in English.

Transcript & Translation


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Separate the words

Find the missing spaces in the video's transcript.

Exercise | Answers

Order the sentences

Put the sentences back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers

Fill the gaps

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Word Puzzle

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Phrase Puzzle

Put the words back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers


Same as the online Quiz, but on paper.

Exercise | Answers

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Vocabulary ({{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount }})
{{ word.user_root }}

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Credits: Ilini uses dictionary data from Wiktionary via Wikdict and DBnary licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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{{ registerForm.errors.get('form') }}
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{{ registerForm.errors.get('name') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('email') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('password') }}
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{{ registerForm.errors.get('terms') }}
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