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Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Il faut oublier
We must forget
Tout peut s'oublier
All can be forgotten
Qui s'enfuit déjà
All that is already running away
Oublier le temps
Forget the times
Des malentendus et le temps perdu
Of misunderstandings and the time lost
À savoir comment
Trying to know how
Oublier ces heures
Forget those hours
Qui tuaient parfois à coups de pourquoi
Which sometimes killed with punches of "whys"
Le cœur du bonheur
The heart of happiness
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Moi je t'offrirai
I will give you
Des perles de pluie
Pearls of rain
Venues de pays où il ne pleut pas
That came from countries where it never rains
Je creuserai la terre jusqu'après ma mort
I will dig the earth until after my death
Pour couvrir ton corps d'or et de lumière
To cover your body with gold and light
Je ferai un domaine
I will make a land
Où l'amour sera roi, où l'amour sera loi
Where love will be king, where love will be law
Où tu seras reine
Where you will be queen
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Je t'inventerai
I'll invent for you
Des mots insensés
Foolish, senseless words
Que tu comprendras
That you will understand
Je te parlerai
I will tell you
De ces amants-la
About those lovers
Qui ont vu deux fois leurs cœurs s'embraser
Who have twice seen their hearts catch fire
Je te raconterai l'histoire de ce roi mort
I'll tell you the story of this king, dead
De n'avoir pas pu te rencontrer
From not being able to meet you
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
On a vu souvent
We have often seen
Rejaillir le feu
Fire erupt again
De l'ancien volcan
From the ancient volcano
Qu'on croyait trop vieux
That we thought too old
Il est, paraît-il
There are, apparently
Des terres brûlées
Burned lands
Donnant plus de blé
Producing more wheat
Qu'un meilleur avril
Than a best April
Et quand vient le soir
And when the evening comes
Pour qu'un ciel flamboie
For the sky to blaze
Le rouge et le noir ne s'épousent-ils pas?
The red and the black, don't they go together?
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Je ne vais plus pleurer
I won't cry anymore
Je ne vais plus parler
I won't talk anymore
Je me cacherai là
I will hide there
À te regarder danser et sourire et
Watching you dance and smile
À t'écouter chanter et puis rire
And listening to you sing and then laugh
Laisse-moi devenir l'ombre de ton ombre
Let me become the shadow of your shadow
L'ombre de ta main
The shadow of your hand
L'ombre de ton chien
The shadow of your dog
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
Ne me quitte pas
Don't leave me
1. Quiz
Watch the video and quiz your students' to test their overall understanding. Watch the video and take the quiz to test your overall understanding.
{{ liveQuizAnswers.points }}/{{ liveQuizAnswers.max_points }}
2. Vocabulary
Let your students use the Smart Player to improve their understanding and learn new words. Use interactive subtitles to improve your understanding and learn new words.
{{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount }}
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No quiz available on this video video yet, sorry! We are progressively adding quizzes where they are missing. If you would like to have a quiz on this video, feel free to send us a request and we will do our best to add it quickly.
{{ countdown + 1 > 5 ? 5 : countdown + 1 }}
No quiz available on this video video yet, sorry! We are progressively adding quizzes where they are missing. If you would like to have a quiz on this video, feel free to send us a request and we will do our best to add it quickly.
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion
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Next: Improve Vocab  
{{ word.user_root }}
+ {{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount - 15 }}
Not saved!
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion
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Assignment Assignments
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion

Jacques Brel - Ne me quitte pas


Source: Ina Chansons, Youtube, 9 Jul 2012

Lawless French Notes


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The video's full text in French.



The video's translation in English.

Transcript & Translation


All the words you have clicked in this video: 0 words.


Separate the words

Find the missing spaces in the video's transcript.

Exercise | Answers

Order the sentences

Put the sentences back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers

Fill the gaps

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Word Puzzle

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Phrase Puzzle

Put the words back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers


Same as the online Quiz, but on paper.

No quiz available on this video video yet, sorry! If you would like to have a quiz on this video, feel free to send us a request and we will do our best to add it quickly.

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