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Elle était si timide et si fragile
She was so shy and so fragile
Introvertie et si naïve
Introverted and so naive
Au milieu de trente élèves
Among thirty students
Trouver sa place n'était pas si facile
Finding her place wasn't so easy
Pour elle de se faire des amis
For her to make friends
Était quasi impossible
Was almost impossible
Tu connais les gosses, entre eux méchants
You know the kids, between them mean
Quand ils ont trouvé leur cible
When they found their target
Ça commence par un surnom
It starts with a nickname
Puis les mauvaises blagues s'enchaînent
Then the bad jokes follow one another
Ils mettent du sel sur les plaies de ses complexes
They put salt on the wounds of her complexes
Avec tellement de haine
With so much hate
Qu'elle vit avec la peur
That she lives with fear
Quand elle voit son cartable
When she sees her schoolbag
À la surprise générale
To everyone's surprise
Elle commet l'irréparable
She commits the irreparable
Elle avait ce regard innocent
She had that innocent look
Qui n'attendait qu'à être aimé
Who was just waiting to be loved
Mais la vie fût autrement
But life was different
Si fragile
So fragile
Tous ces mots ont fini par la briser
All those words ended up breaking her
Elle qui ne voulait qu'être aimée
She who only wanted to be loved
Elle qui ne voulait qu'être aimée
She who only wanted to be loved
On vit l'époque du virtuel
We live in the era of virtual reality
Des tutos pour du rimmel
Tutorials for rimmel
Snapchat, Snapchat
Snapchat, Snapchat
Dis-moi qui est la plus belle
Tell me who is the prettiest
Pour elle
For her
Être aimée, c'est d'être likée
To be loved is to be liked
Donc elle s'entraîne devant sa glace
So she trains in front of her mirror
À faire un selfie, filtre beauté
To make a selfie, beauty filter
Quelques coeurs sur sa photo
A few hearts in her photo
Mais surtout des commentaires
But mostly comments
Des moqueries, des critiques
Mockery, criticism
Des insultes, des emojis pervers
Insults, evil emojis
Toute cette violence gratuite
All this gratuitous violence
Devient pour elle insupportable
Becomes unbearable for her
Donc elle éteint son portable
So she turns off her cell phone
Et commet l'irréparable
And commits the irreparable
Elle avait ce regard innocent
She had that innocent look
Qui n'attendait qu'à être aimé
Who was just waiting to be loved
Mais la vie fût autrement
But life was different
Si fragile
So fragile
Tous ces mots ont fini par la briser
All those words ended up breaking her
Elle qui ne voulait qu'être aimée
She who only wanted to be loved
Elle qui ne voulait qu'être aimée
She who only wanted to be loved
Voilà pourquoi j'ai besoin que tu me parles de toi
That's why I need you to tell me about yourself
Que tu me partages tes rêves et tes doutes
That you share your dreams and your doubts with me
Que tu saches que ton père sera toujours
That you know that your father will always be there
Pour arracher les mauvaises herbes sur ta route
To pull the weeds on your way
Qu'importe ce que dit ou pense le monde
No matter what the world says or thinks
Tu es la plus forte et la plus belle à mes yeux
You are the strongest and the most beautiful in my eyes
Ne te laisse jamais rabaisser par les autres
Never be put down by others
N'oublie pas
Do not forget
Qu'elle avait ce regard innocent
That she had that innocent look
Qui n'attendait qu'à être aimé
Who was just waiting to be loved
Mais la vie fût autrement
But life was different
Si fragile
So fragile
Tous ces mots ont fini par la briser
All those words ended up breaking her
Elle qui ne voulait qu'être aimée
She who only wanted to be loved
Elle qui ne voulait qu'être aimée
She who only wanted to be loved
Elle qui ne voulait qu'être aimée
She who only wanted to be loved
1. Quiz
Watch the video and quiz your students' to test their overall understanding. Watch the video and take the quiz to test your overall understanding.
{{ liveQuizAnswers.points }}/{{ liveQuizAnswers.max_points }}
2. Vocabulary
Let your students use the Smart Player to improve their understanding and learn new words. Use interactive subtitles to improve your understanding and learn new words.
{{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount }}
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Question {{ activeQuestion == questions.length ? activeQuestion : activeQuestion + 1 }}/{{ questions.length }}
{{ item.question }}
See {{ tracks[item.track - 1]['display_time'] }} - {{ tracks[item.track - 1]['original'] }}
End of the quiz!
Submit answers?
< Back to questions
Teacher Mode. Answers won't be saved.
{{ points }} / {{ maxPoints }}
correct answers
Good effort, keep learning!

Pretty good!

You're a champion!
{{ countdown + 1 > 5 ? 5 : countdown + 1 }}
Your quiz will start here
at the end of the video
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion
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Next: Improve Vocab  
{{ word.user_root }}
+ {{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount - 15 }}
Not saved!
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion
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Assignment Assignments
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion

Soprano - Fragile


Source: Soprano Officiel, Youtube, 15 Feb 2019

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The video's full text in French.



The video's translation in English.

Transcript & Translation


All the words you have clicked in this video: 0 words.


Separate the words

Find the missing spaces in the video's transcript.

Exercise | Answers

Order the sentences

Put the sentences back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers

Fill the gaps

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Word Puzzle

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Phrase Puzzle

Put the words back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers


Same as the online Quiz, but on paper.

Exercise | Answers

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Vocabulary ({{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount }})
{{ word.user_root }}

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Credits: Ilini uses dictionary data from Wiktionary via Wikdict and DBnary licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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{{ registerForm.errors.get('form') }}
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{{ registerForm.errors.get('name') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('email') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('password') }}
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{{ registerForm.errors.get('receive_reminders') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('terms') }}
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