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Avec Pôle emploi, suivez les bons conseils d'Une minute pour l'emploi.
Get useful tips and advice with "One Minute for Employment" by Pôle Emploi, the French employment agency.
Bah oui, c'est quoi un bon CV ?
Yeah, what is a good resume?
Eh bien ça commence par une structure.
Well, it starts with structure.
De haut en bas : informations personnelles, compétences, expériences, formation et activités extra-professionnelles.
From top to bottom: personal details, skills, experience, training and extra-curricular activities.
Un bon CV, c'est aussi une page aérée, lisible, avec des pictos pourquoi pas.
A good resume is also a clear, readable page, possibly with pictograms.
Mais deux couleurs maximum, une seule police de caractère et zéro faute d'orthographe.
But with two colors maximum, a single font and zero spelling errors.
Et surtout : un titre !
And above all: a title!
Celui du poste auquel vous prétendez.
The title of the position you are applying for.
Bien sûr, vous devez adapter votre CV au poste et aux missions, alors faites en sorte de mettre en avant les compétences utiles et les expériences similaires.
Of course, you need to adapt your resume to the job and missions, so make sure to highlight useful skills and relevant experiences.
Et n'hésitez pas à détailler vos succès correspondants.
And do not hesitate to detail relevant successes.
Et si c'est un CV digital, ça va vous paraître futile mais je vous assure que c'est un détail important.
And if it is a digital resume, it may seem futile but I assure you that it is an important detail.
Donnez votre nom et l'intitulé du poste à votre document et enregistrez-le dans un format simple comme un pdf par exemple.
Give your name and job title to your document and save it in a simple format like a pdf for example.
Allez, à vos claviers !
To your keyboards!
C'était "Une minute pour l'emploi" avec Pôle emploi.
It was "One Minute for Employment", brought to you by Pôle Emploi.
1. Quiz
Watch the video and quiz your students' to test their overall understanding. Watch the video and take the quiz to test your overall understanding.
{{ liveQuizAnswers.points }}/{{ liveQuizAnswers.max_points }}
2. Vocabulary
Let your students use the Smart Player to improve their understanding and learn new words. Use interactive subtitles to improve your understanding and learn new words.
{{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount }}
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Question {{ activeQuestion == questions.length ? activeQuestion : activeQuestion + 1 }}/{{ questions.length }}
{{ item.question }}
See {{ tracks[item.track - 1]['display_time'] }} - {{ tracks[item.track - 1]['original'] }}
End of the quiz!
Submit answers?
< Back to questions
Teacher Mode. Answers won't be saved.
{{ points }} / {{ maxPoints }}
correct answers
Good effort, keep learning!

Pretty good!

You're a champion!
{{ countdown + 1 > 5 ? 5 : countdown + 1 }}
Your quiz will start here
at the end of the video
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion
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Next: Improve Vocab  
{{ word.user_root }}
+ {{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount - 15 }}
Not saved!
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion
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Assignment Assignments
Subtitles: French
Subtitles: English - Disabled for quiz
Slow Motion

What is a good resume?


Source: Pôle emploi, Youtube, 11 Nov 2019

Lawless French Notes


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The video's full text in French.



The video's translation in English.

Transcript & Translation


All the words you have clicked in this video: 0 words.


Separate the words

Find the missing spaces in the video's transcript.

Exercise | Answers

Order the sentences

Put the sentences back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers

Fill the gaps

Find the missing words in the video's transcript.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Word Puzzle

Put the letters back in the right order to find the words heard in the video.

Exercise (Verbs) | Answers
Exercise (Nouns) | Answers

Phrase Puzzle

Put the words back in the right order.

Exercise | Answers


Same as the online Quiz, but on paper.

Exercise | Answers

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Vocabulary ({{ vocabularyStore.wordsCount }})
{{ word.user_root }}

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Credits: Ilini uses dictionary data from Wiktionary via Wikdict and DBnary licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

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{{ registerForm.errors.get('form') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('invitation') }}

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{{ registerForm.errors.get('name') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('email') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('password') }}
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{{ registerForm.errors.get('receive_reminders') }}
{{ registerForm.errors.get('terms') }}
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